Napping with the Cat

Precise and Accurate Ramblings (more or less) from N37˚45.201 W122˚26.847 (more or less)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Pick Two?

On there's an article that says "Nearly six in 10 Americans oppose the war in Iraq and a growing number of them are dissatisfied with the war on terrorism, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Monday."

Well, duh.

Now where are all the good ol' boys who were ready for us to head off to Iraq and take care of things real quick ?

In the computer industry there's a long running axiom:

      You can have it quick.
      You can have it cheap.
      You can have it right.
      Pick two.

We, the American people, didn't even get to pick one.


  • At 12:13 PM, Blogger digitic said…

    GIGO -- that's my motto being a data guy and all.

    Interesting world stat site called NationMaster -- check it out.

    Educationally we're supposed to be 14th out of the top 50 countries. With the placement of BUSH and support for his policies, 14th place seems awfully high!

    There must be a lot pay-for-diplomas floating out there.


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