Help 'em Out
Next time you sign up for something be sure and take a look at the fine print. Surf on over to and scan through the gray text to find this:
Oh, ok. An extra fee. It’s not that much. You know, it’s to help out SBC payin’ their bills 'n all. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I can help 'em out. They need their customers to help out and “cover charges" ya know.
Of course, if you take a closer look you’ll find that SBC’s own financial statements show they had a net income of $5,887,000,000. for the one-year period ending December 31, 2004.
I’m glad I can help ‘em out by “covering” their charges for them. Aren’t you?
When was the last time you went to a restaurant, corner store, or neighborhood dry cleaners? Didn’t you notice a sign indicating that they’re adding a fee to your bill to “cover charges” relating to property tax, electricity, water, paper towels, rubber bands, etc.?
I didn’t either.
You will also be charged a monthly FUSF (Federal Universal Service Fund) cost recovery fee to help cover charges from our data transport supplier pursuant to state and federal telecom regulations. This fee is not a tax or government required charge.
Oh, ok. An extra fee. It’s not that much. You know, it’s to help out SBC payin’ their bills 'n all. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I can help 'em out. They need their customers to help out and “cover charges" ya know.
Of course, if you take a closer look you’ll find that SBC’s own financial statements show they had a net income of $5,887,000,000. for the one-year period ending December 31, 2004.
I’m glad I can help ‘em out by “covering” their charges for them. Aren’t you?
When was the last time you went to a restaurant, corner store, or neighborhood dry cleaners? Didn’t you notice a sign indicating that they’re adding a fee to your bill to “cover charges” relating to property tax, electricity, water, paper towels, rubber bands, etc.?
I didn’t either.